Webpage capture key combinations
Webpage capture key combinations

Link analysis would eventually become a crucial component of search engines through algorithms such as Hyper Search and PageRank. Inactive, rebranded Yellowee (was redirecting to )Ī system for locating published information intended to overcome the ever increasing difficulty of locating information in ever-growing centralized indices of scientific work was described in 1945 by Vannevar Bush, who wrote an article in The Atlantic Monthly titled " As We May Think" in which he envisioned libraries of research with connected annotations not unlike modern hyperlinks.

webpage capture key combinations

Inactive (used Inktomi search technology) Inactive, incorporated into Baidu in 2000 Inactive, acquired by Yahoo! in 2003, since 2013 redirects to Yahoo!


Make sure to test the site blind and fix any issues that may arise with traversing the page via the keyboard.Further information: Timeline of web search engines Timeline ( full list)Īctive, initially a search function for Yahoo! Directory Overriding the Tab, Space and Enter keys is risky, especially for people using screen-readers. If you're making an app to be used by people other than yourself, you have to worry about usability and accessibility. When you say Delete I assume you mean the Backspace key as Delete generally referrs to the key next to Insert, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down.īe very careful about which keys you choose to override. Even if there is no default behavior, you will need to prevent them from cascading in case the user has rebound their default keyboard shortcuts.Īlso, you will only be able to receive keyboard input when the page has focus. After that, tell them what the controls are and what they do.īinding the keypress and keydown listeners to the document is the correct way to do it, but you have to remember to preventDefault and/or stopPropogation for keypresses that you want to override.

webpage capture key combinations

If you are making a sophisticated web-app with customized keyboard controls, the first thing you should do is alert the user that you are making a sophisticated web-app with customized keyboard controls. I think, at this point, I am doing things the "standard, well-known way." I am trying to see if there is an outside-the-box way that isn't widely known that maybe someone on Stack Overflow knows about :-). Or is there an alternative I have never even thought of? Embedding an invisible Flash element on the page and then passing all keys from that to JavaScript, for example (I don't think this would work). I am basically wondering if anyone has figured out a "higher" element to bind to other than document. The main problem seems to be that sometimes the event is never even passed to the bound function. Is there a different element I should be binding to? Is there a better plugin out there for this? Should I just avoid using any keys that are bound to things in common web browsers?Īs more and more web applications look to mimic their desktop counterparts, it seems like this is a basic feature that web developers will increasingly require.ĮDIT: I should point out that I am already using e.stopPropagation() and e.preventDefault().

webpage capture key combinations

That works great for most purposes, but for example on Firefox, if the user happens to absentmindedly move their mouse over the navigation bar, the delete key will sometimes result in the user going "back", and the key is never received by the handler so that I can stop propagation. My current method is to use the JQuery Hotkeys plugin, bound to the document element, i.e.: $(document).bind("keyup", "delete", function() ) I'm trying to find out if there is a better way to capture all the key events for a web page than the method I am currently using. an input field), but as soon as you want to do global shortcuts for an entire "application", it seems to fall apart. It works great as long as you know your user is going to be typing in a specific place (e.g. I'm a little distraught at the current state of key capturing for web applications.

Webpage capture key combinations